Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oneiric friday

I see efficient and honest politicians.
I see people who don't fight because they live on one side or the other of some limits set by the powerful to mark their possessions.
I see schools where children learn more and better every year.
I see worlds where everyone does their job and each receives a fair wage.
I see journalists and pundits who know what they are talking about.
I see prisons full of corrupt and embezzlers, who have returned the money they stole.
I see societies where taxes are properly used and guarantee a great welfare state.
..Only when I sleep, I often see just societies.


  1. Great Herminio!!. If you start all the sentences with "I have a dream..."... you makes me remember Martin Luther king, don't you?

    José Mª Martín dixit

  2. Sixties, always sixties...

    When we thought we could conquer freedom...
